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Sunday, August 7, 2011


These are what is called Tetragrammaton, the four letters that spell God's name.  These four letter are YHWH or JHVH, tranlating Gods name either Yahweh or Jehovah.  The SearchGodsWord.Org says Jehovah translates the existing one.  If you click on the link under "Word Origin" you get to "to be, to become" and so-forth.

Exodus 6:3 in the bible is the first time God let mankind know his name.   What a wonderful thing, to know Gods name.

In Genesis God created everything "to become" in to existence, the heavens the earth, and mankind.

Till next time love and peace to all.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Why a Christian shouldn't pledge allegiance to the United States of America.

Why a Christian shouldn't pledge allegiance to the United States of America.  This is my most recent  papers turned in to my college class at Ivy Bridge College in ENG-100 70 INTRO TO COLLEGE READING & WRITING.  It is to discuss the publication "Under Whom?" written by the editorial board of the Los Angeles Times that appeared in the September 18, 2005 edition of the paper.

Week 1 Discussion 2 Under Whom?

Under Whom?

I am a baptized Jehovah's Witness so it was clear to me to be a critical thinker as I read the article and the intro of the article. For the title “Under Whom” gives me much more of a different meaning that might be of yours. The words “pledge” and “allegiance” give me problems even before we get to the phrase “under God” and rightfully so to any true christian.

The word “pledge” in definition, you give a promise to do something or give something. The word “allegiance” in definition, you give loyalty of obligation to. Together with the word pledge and the word allegiance you are giving your promise of loyalty of obligation to the nation of the United States of America.

In Matthew 4:8-10 teaches that the devil took Jesus to an unusual high mountain, offered him all the kingdoms if Jesus did an act of worship to him. This versus teaches us that the devil has control of all the nations or kingdoms. We understand this because God can't lie in his own bible showing us that the devil has control of the kingdoms by offering them to Jesus if he did an act of worship to him. You can't give or offer something that you don't own or have authority over. Mark 12:28-34 teaches us to love God first and that is the first and greatest commandment. In Revelation 14:6-12 teaches us of how the nations are fornicating with the devil and will receive the wrath of God. With these three lessons we learn that the devil has authority over the nations, they are fornicating and will receive the wrath of God, and last the greatest commandment is to love God.

Another example is that with our pledge allegiance if asked we are to fight in war against another nation. In the Mosaic Law the first Ten Commandments, thou shall not kill! How can I say I love God first if I knowingly break one of Gods Commandments of Love for the Love of Life to take another life that is being asked of me. God would never put me in that situation to take another life that he created.
Sin is any thing against Gods religious or moral law, these two examples show true christian it is sin to “pledge allegiance”, to kill, greater sin to kill for the United States of America and sin to fight for this nation of the United States of America.

Once again critical thinking, the word “patriot” is a problem too for a true Christians. The definition of “patriot” is one who loves and supports their county. So for Judge Karen Williams who decided that the pledge is a patriotic activity and not a religious one is a contradictory in terms of who a christian loves first. Do I pledge my allegiance to this nation first be for I love God? Or do I love God first recognizing it is sin to pledge my allegiance to the United States of America, remembering that lesson in Revelation 14:6-12.

Now on to the “religious phrase” “under God”. God is not supporting this as we learned in the example with the three bible lesson. God is not even supporting patriotism and its activity, since the nations are under the devils authority. This “religious phrase” “under God” to a true christian nothing more than a false light guide by the devil.

In conclusion “Under Whom?” to a true christian you are announcing who’s side you are on Gods or the devils. I did say this “religious phrase” gives much different meaning to me than you might think!

Love and peace to all.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Mic 7:19 "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea."

From the


  /kəmˈpæʃən/  Show Spelled
a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who isstricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire toalleviate the suffering.

What a wonderful promise.  You see it is not always about right and wrong, good or bad, for we are born imperfect and we can not fulfill the letter of the law!  It is the spirit of the law that will save our life, our brothers life our sisters life, and all of mans life.  Compassion brings understanding, understanding brings empathy and forgiveness.

This compassion will do away with sin and once again renew our relationship with Jehovah as it was with Adam and Eve before sin.

Have love and compassion for one another as imitators of Jesus who imitated his farther Jehovah and  renew yourself now with Jehovah and with all.  Not just in truth but with all for we all have the same hope of our relationship with Jehovah, for this is the love that he will recognize us by!


Monday, April 18, 2011

More on Child Like Heart

This thought that I have may take some time to discuss.  It is more on the Child Like Heart Post, I feel that it is important because of my Criticism Post.  An other class work of mine from Ivy Bridge is on praise so that is how i will start my thought on More on a Child Like Heart thought.

Timko Mathiasen Week 4 Unit 4 Discussion 2 Praise

This topic I see also goes back to Amy Chua as well. Have you noticed in all the media giving with Amy Chua, she was cut off, only for the media to exploit their point they wanted to show. Is the media showing her as a monster, never giving love or praise to her children?
I feel sometimes as a country, nation, people we question too many things. Then, were are our values of praise1 that is to say the expression of approval, commendation and merit since in short this is what we are talking about with our children, not praise to a deity or god. It takes practice being a parent and an employer. We are going to make mistakes in missing that mark, or point in time when we should show the proper affection or emotion to a child's works or an associates works. These works can be a art craft, a sport game and a school or work project. Practice in being a parent or employer includes praise, we do not stay the same, we change, yes their are parts of us that is a constant but we change, so must our practice in being a parenting or an employer. Interesting revelation in writing this, the laws says you need a license to practice medicine, I hope one never needs a license to practice being a parent, since it is a life long job, a skill one needs to polish everyday.
The question of praise of out "comes" and "effort" is frivolous, not have scene. Each action is not frivolous, our parenting or our child's actions. To explain further, each decision is made based on a child's' or an associates needs and not to be a stereo typed decision or classified act, since praise is an act toward our children and associates.
In short praise has it spot, but not a classified or a stereo typed act based on a word “outcome” or “effort”. This includes how a person practices being a parents or in how we practice being coworkers or how bosses practices being our employer. I have a badge at work “In training”, someone said I am no longer in training and my reply was I am in training for life, there is always something to improve or new to learn. Praise God, give praise like approval, commendation and merit for effort2. Effort does include achievements, this is the classified “outcome”, effort does include exertion and attempts, this is the classified “effort” of hard work.

1. Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration.
2. The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero.
3. Archaic A reason for praise; merit.
tr.v. praised, prais·ing, prais·es
1. To express warm approbation of, commendation for, or admiration for.
2. To extol or exalt; worship.

1. The use of physical or mental energy to do something; exertion.
2. A difficult exertion of the strength or will: It was an effort to get up.
3. A usually earnest attempt: Make an effort to arrive promptly.
4. Something done or produced through exertion; an achievement: a play that was his finest effort.
5. Physics Force applied against inertia.

My thought is to bring the bible and through the dictionary to bring together what I call the human skill that we as people need clarification on, not from an employers point of view alone or the the bibles point of view alone or anyone persons point of view but every one's.  So stay tuned for More on Child Like Heart!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I am taking on-line classes at Ivy Bridge College for Computers in Information Technology and one of our recent discussions moved me to share with you.  Yes it is about Criticism.  Always read and teach your children the bible, keep doing so to save everyones life.  It questions about if we as people are too soft, need constant reassurance and if criticism is to hard in the work environment.  The foundation of our study is from a book written by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. and the title of the book is "Mindset, the new Psychology of Success", it is a good read, and I do hate to read, but it does have my attention.  I am at chapter 6 now, just finished chapter 5 today to hand in this paper.  Any way:

Timko Mathiasen Week 4 Unit 4 Discussion 1 Criticism
I have many thought of Criticism, some that are normal to mans thinking and pleasing to the ego of the course and then there is the one who read the bible. I bring this in because we are talking about how a person feels and God created us with his quality. To ignore where our in born quality to dehumanize a man or woman, that we have no emotions at all. Moving forward to the question I will try my best to answer the question of Criticism with out preaching.
I personally find the work atmosphere at every single job I have worked since I start my first job all dehumanizing. Criticism and constant reassurance exist because we think we all should be robots in the work atmosphere. This goes back to Amy Chua, in shielding her children is not cause of week children rather giving them time to explore their human qualities that world will soon take away from them at school, work, and general contact at the store. The world will gnaw at us all soon enough, so why rush it! It is the parents job to build the communication and social skills of our child, not the worlds. The balance of criticism and reassurance is yielded by the lack of these unbuilt skills of communication and socialization replaced by rebellious contact in the world. That we released our kid in to early in to the world, with out proper eduction and monitoring of their activities while the grow up. We only heard about bomb is other countries, then our government buildings, then our colleges, and now our own high schools are not safe because we don't properly educate our children on the skills of communication and socialization, keep in mind these skill do dialog on behavior that is to say internal and external stimuli, our feelings, our thought process, our reaction to, in the circumstances. Everything, even in the work force we need to educate ourselves in technology skills, and what I call human skills. To me human skill include the communication, the socialization, and the feelings, because our current socialization skill are not expressed and educated properly for some people to realize it does include stimuli and this stimuli does include our feelings. Are we too soft, no. Is criticism too harsh, yes.

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love." - Washington Irving

“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right.” - Confucius

In conclusion please keep rearing your children with the mental regulation of Jehovah God!  As Confucius brings out we must get our hearts right, and this is by putting Jehovah God in to our lives with every breath we take, for he gave us our breath of life.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Michial Jackson "I want to live forever"

It is not up to us to judge or to presume any thing that happens to a brother, that is up to Jehovah God.

We all ask for forgiveness, and just because we ask an other brother will Jehovah forgive me doesn't mean he did any thing wrong, only love for our farther.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Genisis 1:1

Have you ever thought of the bible Gen 1:1, in the beginning?  Well, I have so I decided to pick it apart, maybe this requies a blog post!  Any way, the beginning is first, God, this is interesting, because it refers to God as a god and other deity also and the true God.  Created is to create, shape and form, heaven is gods adobe and that being said were was Gods adobe before this?,  And last the earth and notice it also includes sheol!

So what is my point?  The beginning is for us not God, he is the alfa omega, God is the true God, to create, to shape, to form, both the heavens and earth, God created his home and our home together, what a beautiful thought!  This earth includes sheol and the ground, notice it also includes the opposite of heaven, so see how both the heavens and earth was created together, when God put devision between the two adobe, his adobe and ours was created too!

KJV from - In the beginning God created * (8804) the heaven and the earth.
In the beginning
re'shiyth - ray-sheeth'
first, beginning, best, chief
  1. beginning
  2. first
  3. chief
  4. choice part
'elohiym - el-o-heem'
1. (plural)
  1. rulers, judges
  2. divine ones
  3. angels
  4. gods
2. (plural intensive - singular meaning)
  1. god, goddess
  2. godlike one
  3. works or special possessions of God
  4. the (true) God
  5. God
bara' - baw-raw'
1. to create, shape, form
  1. (Qal) to shape, fashion, create (always with God as subject)
    1. of heaven and earth
    2. of individual man
    3. of new conditions and circumstances
    4. of transformations
  2. (Niphal) to be created
    1. of heaven and earth
    2. of birth
    3. of something new
    4. of miracles
  3. (Piel)
    1. to cut down
    2. to cut out
2. to be fat
  1. (Hiphil) to make yourselves fat
the heaven
shamayim - shaw-mah'-yim
heaven, heavens, sky
  1. visible heavens, sky
    1. as abode of the stars
    2. as the visible universe, the sky, atmosphere, etc
  2. Heaven (as the abode of God)
and the earth.
'erets - eh'-rets
land, earth
  1. earth
    1. whole earth (as opposed to a part)
    2. earth (as opposed to heaven)
    3. earth (inhabitants)
  2. land
    1. country, territory
    2. district, region
    3. tribal territory
    4. piece of ground
    5. land of Canaan, Israel
    6. inhabitants of land
    7. Sheol, land without return, (under) world
    8. city (-state)
  3. ground, surface of the earth
    1. ground
    2. soil
  4. (in phrases)
    1. people of the land
    2. space or distance of country (in measurements of distance)
    3. level or plain country
    4. land of the living
    5. end(s) of the earth
  5. (almost wholly late in usage)
    1. lands, countries 1e
  6. often in contrast to Canaan

Monday, January 10, 2011

Grow Up? Better Love?

How do we grow up? With maturity? With wisdom? With love?

1 Corinthians 2:6-16 teaches that we talk about wisdom, things not from the spirit of the world but from the spirit that teaches, the Holy Spirit!

In the Christian Greek Scriptures the words te′lei·os, te·lei·o′tes, and te·lei·o′o are used conveying such ideas as bringing to completeness or full measure (Lu 8:14; 2Co 12:9; Jas 1:4), being full grown, adult, or mature (1Co 14:20; Heb 5:14), having attained the appropriate or appointed end, purpose, or goal.

The basic terms signifying wisdom is the Hebrew word chokh·mah′ and the Greek word so·phi′a, with their related forms. The Hebrew word tu·shi·yah′, which may be rendered “effectual working” or “practical wisdom,” and the Greek word phro′ni·mos and phro′ne·sis (from phren, the “mind”), relating to “sensibleness,” “discretion,” or “practical wisdom.”  At some point we realize the just more than the born difference of good and bad, but have Jehovah's Gods mental regulation too.  We can make better decisions knowing we are pleasing God with his blessings.

NWT of the JW Ephesians 4:2-16
2 with complete lowliness of mind and mildness, with long-suffering, putting up with one another in love, 3 earnestly endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. 4 One body there is, and one spirit, even as YOU were called in the one hope to which YOU were called;5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all.
7 Now to each one of us undeserved kindness was given according to how the Christ measured out the free gift. 8 Wherefore he says: “When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts [in] men.” 9 Now the expression “he ascended,” what does it mean but that he also descended into the lower regions, that is, the earth? 10 The very one that descended is also the one that ascended far above all the heavens, that he might give fullness to all things.
11 And he gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, 12 with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ, 13 until we all attain to the oneness in the faith and in the accurate knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ; 14in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error. 15 But speaking the truth, let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head, Christ. 16 From him all the body, by being harmoniously joined together and being made to cooperate through every joint that gives what is needed, according to the functioning of each respective member in due measure, makes for the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love." KJV Ephesians 4:2-16"
2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing (5740) one another in love; 3 Endeavouring (5723) to keep (5721) the unity of theSpirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as yeare called (5681in one hope of your calling; 5 One Lord, one faith, onebaptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, andin you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given (5681grace according to themeasure of the gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith (5719), When heascended (5631up on high, he led captivity (5656captive, and gave (5656)gifts unto men. 9  (Now that he ascended (5627), what is it (5748but thathe also descended (5627first into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He thatdescended (5631is (5748) the same also that ascended up (5631) far aboveall heavens, that he might fill (5661) all things.) 11 And he gave (5656)some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of theministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come (5661)in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto aperfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:14 That we henceforth be (5753) no more children, tossed to and fro(5740), and carried about with (5746every wind of doctrine, by the sleightof men, and cunning craftiness *whereby they lie in wait to deceive;15 But speaking the truth (5723in love, may grow up (5661into himin all things, which is (5748) the head, even Christ: 16 From whom thewhole body fitly joined together (5746and compacted (5746by that whichevery joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure ofevery part *maketh (5731increase of the body unto the edifying of itselfin love."

In short we are born with some understanding of good and bad, but with life experience we learn more, make better decisions, but we do that with Gods understanding of the world, because Gods Holy Spirit is the one teaching us.  The spirit of the world, doesn't teach us, nor can it help us to grow up.  So lets build our love up, for this is growing up!